Pretham (Ghost) is a latest 2016 Indian Malyalam comedy Horror film written, co-produced and directed by Ranjith Sankar. Jayasurya, Aju Varghese, Sruthi Ramachandran, Govind Padmasoorya and Pearley Maaney in the lead roles.Pretham film is co-produced by Ranjith and Jayasurya. Pretham is Jayasurya’s third film with Ranjith Sankar
This movie has been released in 91 screens in kerala.In pretham Jayasurya’s Charactor Name is John Don Bosco ,he is a mentalist and he can read peoples mind. The movie is filled with full of comedy and suspense. After screens the film in theater’s the combination of charactors won so many appreciation.They won’t made the viewers to get Bored.
In view of some people the movie is in the rate of average position anyhow pretham is not to be a flop Crew has put an extraordinary effort in this film and it takes the people to a particular point too.