Jack N Jill is a 2022 malayalam drama-comedy movie directed by Santhosh Sivan starring Manju Warrior, Soubin Shahir in lead roles. Film produced by Gokulam...
Udal is a 2022 malayalam drama-thriller movie directed by Ratheesh Reghunandan featuring Indrans, Dhyan Sreenivasan, Durga Krishna, Jude Anthony Joseph. Film produced by Gokulam Gopalan...
Varayan is a malayalam movie scheduled to release on 20 May 2022. Film directed by Jijo Joseph written by Danny Capuchin starring Siju Wilson, Vijayaraghavan, Leona...
Jo & Jo is an upcoming malayalam comedy-drama movie directed by debutant Arun D Jose written by Arun D Jose along with Raveesh Nath. The film features...
Puzhu is an upcoming Malayalam Thriller movie directed by debutant Ratheena PT starring Mammotty and Parvathy Thiruvothu in lead roles. Film sheduled to release on...
Meri Awaz Suno is an upcoming malayalam movie directed by Prajesh Sen. Jayasurya and Prajesh Sen combo works again after Captain Movie also Manju Warrior...
Patham Valavu directed by M. Padmakumar starring Indrajith and Suraj in lead roles. Film will be releasing on 13th may 2022.
Djinn is an upsoming malayalam movie that directed by Siddharth Bharathan under the banner of Straightline Cinemas. Soubin Shahir, Sharaf U Dheen and Shine Tom Chacko...
Kshanikam is an upcoming Malayalam movie directed by Rajeev Rajendran and features Jewel Mary, Rupesh G Raj and Nandhu as lead characters. Movie scheduled to...
Makal is a family entertrainer directed by Sathyan Anthikadu starring Jayaram, Meera Jasmine, Sreenivasan in lead roles. Film written by Dr. Iqbal Kuttipuram a well...